Thursday, December 24, 2009

Sound Bites - Computer & Desk Stretches

Sound Bites - How To Manage Stress

Some people have a negative way of coping with stress. They take drugs, consume excessive alcohol, smoke, binge on food and injure themselves. These only mask the stress they feel, harm their health and even cause emotional and financial burden to their family. We would not be able to get rid of stress altogether, but we can manage it at a level that we can handle.

The following points highlight some positive ways to cope with stress:

• Plan your time well

• Be realistic about what you can do

• Spread out the major changes in your life

• Speak to someone about your problems

• Interact with your family and friends

• Learn to like yourself and think positive

• Keep healthy

• Make some time for yourself

• Learn some relaxation techniques

Sound Bites

Che'gu Nasyor sedang mengendali kelasnya dalam aktiviti sukan di padang sekolah.
Seperti biasa, Che'gu Nasyor akan menyuruh murid2nya melakukan regangan otot.
Tiba di satu bahagian, dimana murid2 baring dan mengangkat kaki lalu menggerakkannya
seperti sedang mengayuh basikal. Che'gu Nasyor asyik memerhati seorang muridnya
yang pada mulanya menggerakkan kakinya tiba2 memberhentikan kakinya. Lalu Che'gu
Nasyor menyergah muridnya yang bernama Man Tapah.
"Woiiii Man, apa sebab kau berhenti ni hah"
"Oh Che'gu Nasyor, basikal saya tengah turun bukit Che'gu, sebab tu saya berhenti.
Takkan nak kayuh jugak."
Waktu sekolah telah tamat.sebelum keluar kelas, Che'gu Nasyor telah bertanya kpd murid2nya.
Che'gu : Siapa nak masuk/pergi syurga?
Semua murid mengangkat tangan kecuali Man Tapah lalu Che'gu Nasyor pun berkata,
Che'gu : Man, kenapa awak tak nak pergi/masuk syurga?
Man : Mak saya kata lepas habis sekolah, terus balik rumah.. jangan pergi mana-mana.
Che'gu Nasyor sedang mengajar Bahasa Melayu dalam kelas 1 Mawar...
Che'gu : Man, boleh kamu buat ayat dengan menggunakan perkataan tepong?
Man : Itu senang saja cikgu.. ayatnya ialah.... emak sedang membuat kek
di dapur.
Che'gu : Mana tepungnya??
Man : Tepong kan ke dalam kek tu.... Che'gu nie tak sekolah ke hape??
Che'gu Nasyor : Joe, cuba terangkan apakah tugas akar pokok pisang?

Joe: Untuk mencari makanan, che'gu
Che'gu Nasyor : Bagus! Sekarang giliran Wati pulak. Apakah tugas batang pokok pisang?
Wati : Untuk membawa makanan yang dicari akarnya, che'gu
Che'gu Nasyor : Bagus! Sekarang giliran Man Tapah pula. Apakah tugas daun pisang?
Man Tapah :untuk membungkus nasi lemak, che'gu...
Che'gu Nasyor : uii... lagi bagus... berdiri atas meja sampai habis kelas...

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

7 things no one tell u about marriage

1. You will look at the person lying next to you and wonder, Is this it? Forever?

When you get married, you think that as long as you pick the right guy -- your soul mate -- you'll be happy together until death do you part. Then you wake up one day and realize that no matter how great he is, he doesn't make you happy every moment of every day. In fact, some days you might wonder why you were in such a hurry to get married in the first place. You think to yourself, "This is so not what I signed up for."
Actually, it is. You just didn't realize it the day you and your guy were cramming wedding cake into each other's faces, clinking champagne glasses, and dancing the Electric Slide. Back then you had no idea that "for better and for worse" doesn't kick in only when life hands you a tragedy. Your relationship mettle is, in fact, most tested on a daily basis, when the utter sameness of day-in/day-out togetherness can sometimes make you want to run for the hills. That's when the disappointment sneaks in, and maybe even a palpable sense of loneliness and grief. It's not him. It's just you, letting go of that sugarcoated fantasy of marriage that danced in your eyes the day you and your beloved posed in all those soft-focus wedding photos. You're learning that marriage isn't a destination; it's a journey filled with equal parts excitement and tedium.
Waking up from a good dream to face the harsh morning daylight may not seem like a reason to celebrate. But trust me, it is. Because once you let go of all the hokey stories of eternal bliss, you find that the reality of marriage is far richer and more rewarding than you ever could have guessed. Hard, yes. Frustrating, yes. But full of its own powerful, quiet enchantments just the same, and that's better than any fairy tale.

2. You'll work harder than you ever imagined.

Early on, when people say, "Marriage takes work," you assume "work" means being patient when he forgets to put down the toilet seat. In your naivete, you think that you will struggle to accommodate some annoying habit, like persistent knuckle cracking or flatulence.
If only it were that easy. Human beings, you may have noticed, are not simple creatures. Your man has mysterious, unplumbed depths -- and from where he sits, you're pretty complicated, too. You have to learn each other the same way that you once learned earth science or world geography. And getting married doesn't mean you're done -- it just means you've advanced to graduate-level studies. That's because every time you think you've mastered the material, he'll change a bit. And so will you. As two people grow and evolve, the real work of marriage is finding a way to relate to and nurture each other in the process.
"It's like losing weight," says Andrea Harden, 45, of Buffalo, NY. "You want it to be a one-time deal. You lost it, now just live. But then you learn it's a lifestyle. That's marriage. The effort is a forever thing." So don't be too hard on yourself -- or him -- on those days when you feel like you're struggling through remedial math.

3. You will sometimes go to bed mad (and maybe even wake up madder).

Whoever decided to tell newlyweds "Never go to bed angry" doesn't know what it's like inside a bedroom where tears and accusations fly as one spouse talks the other into a woozy stupor until night meets the dawn. If this scenario sounds familiar, I've got three words for you: Sleep on it.
You need to calm down. You need to gain perspective. You need to just give it a rest. I've found that an argument of any quality, like a fine wine, needs to breathe. A break in the action will help you figure out whether you're angry, hurt, or both, and then pinpoint the exact source. Maybe the fight that seemed to erupt over the overflowing garbage can is really about feeling underappreciated. Could be you're both stressed out at work and just needed to unload on someone. Taking a break will help you see that, and let go. Or maybe you really do have a legitimate disagreement to work out. Without a time-out, sometimes a perfectly good argument can turn into an endless round of silly back-and-forth, rehashing old and irrelevant transgressions as you get more and more wound up.
Even when you do manage to stay focused and on topic, there are some fights that stubbornly refuse to die by bedtime. And if you stifle your real feelings just to meet some arbitrary deadline, your marriage will surely be the worse for it. "This was a huge lesson for me," says Andrea. "As women we've been trained to make nice. But the whole kiss-and-make-up thing just to keep the peace was eating me up inside. I'd let things build up inside me until I just exploded. Now I wait a while to get hold of myself -- let the emotions settle a bit -- and state my position. Even if that means reopening the fight the next day."

4. Getting your way is usually not as important as finding a way to work together.

I can be a bit of a know-it-all. There, I said it. It's really not my intention to be hurtful or brash with people I love. It's just that a lifetime of experience has taught me that in most areas, at most times, I am right about most things. What shocked me several years into my marriage, though, was the realization that the more "right" I was, the more discontented my husband and I were as a couple. See, oddly enough, throughout his life Genoveso has been under the misguided impression that he's right most of the time (go figure!). So we'd lock horns -- often. That is, until I learned a few things.
Namely, that when it comes to certain disagreements, there is no right or wrong -- there is simply your way of looking at things and your husband's. "I used to be very black-and-white earlier in our marriage," says Lindy Vincent, 38, who lives in Minneapolis. "Now I see that I'm not all right and my husband is not all wrong. There's more gray in life than I thought, and that's taught me patience and the value of compromise."

5. A great marriage doesn't mean no conflict; it simply means a couple keeps trying to get it right.

Maybe you think that because of my newfound wisdom, Genoveso and I never fight anymore. Ha! As important as it is to strike a balance, it's also important to have a big, fat fight every now and then. Because when you fight, you don't just raise your voices; you raise real -- sometimes buried -- issues that challenge you to come to a clearer understanding of you, your man, and your relationship. I wouldn't give up our fights for anything in the world, because I know in the end they won't break us; they'll only make us stronger.

6. You'll realize that you can only change yourself.

Ever seen the '80s sci-fi cult classic "Making Mr. Right?" When the stylish heroine, played by Ann Magnuson, is hired to teach a robot how to act like a human, she seizes the chance to create a perfect guy. A hotshot commercial whiz, she uses her marketing prowess to shape John Malkovich's android character into her personal version of the ideal man -- sensitive, eager to please, and willing to listen.
There is a bit of that makeover fantasy in all of us -- something that makes us believe we can change the person we love, make him just a little bit closer to perfect. We may use support and empathy or shouts and ultimatums, but with dogged conviction we take on this huge responsibility, convinced we're doing the right thing.
Whatever our motives, the effort is exhausting. Transforming a full-grown man -- stripping him of decades-old habits, beliefs, and idiosyncrasies -- is truly an impossible task. And you will come to realize, sooner than later if you're lucky, that it is far easier to change the way you respond to him.

7. As you face your fears and insecurities, you will find out what you're really made of.

There were clues when Genoveso and I were dating, especially with the trust thing. Early on, I was supersuspicious of him. He used to say things like, "I'll call you at 8." Then, just to try to trip me up, he'd call at 8. I knew he was up to something, I just couldn't figure out what. The same kinds of experiences followed after the wedding. Except occasionally he would actually mess up. And I had no sense of scale when it came to rating his offenses; everything was a major violation. Whether he teased me about a new haircut or came home late, I seethed for days and even let thoughts of divorce creep into my head. I figured, if he loved me -- really and truly -- this stuff wouldn't happen.
I'd like to be able to say that this irrational behavior lasted only a few months and I eventually worked it out. Kind of, sort of, is closer to the truth. After years of looking deeply into my soul and talking to good friends and the best sister a girl could ever have, I've come to recognize certain things about myself. Not to get all Dr. Phil about it, but I've had to examine my history with an emotionally distant dad and a strong-willed mom and face up to all the ways, both good and bad, that those relationships have affected how I approach my marriage.
That's the strange beauty of marriage: It's full of hard times and hard lessons that no one can ever prepare you for. But in the end, those are the things that give richness to your life together -- and make your love even deeper and stronger than when it began.

Reprinted with permission of Hearst Communications, Inc.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bukit Kepong

Bukit Kepong Incident was an armed encounter which took place on February 23, 1950 between the police and the Malayan Communists in pre-independence Malaya. This conflict took place in an area surrounding the Bukit Kepong police station in Bukit Kepong. The wooden station was located on the river banks of the Muar River, about 59 km from Muar town, Johor.


The incident started just before dawn with the Communists launching a guerilla assault on the police station. It ended in a bloody massacre with the aggressors killing almost all of the police officers stationed there. When they began the siege, the attackers strongly believed that they would be able to defeat the policemen and gained control of the police station within a short span of time. This is due to several factors in their favour: their arms and numerical superiority and the relative isolation of the station. The battle began at about 4:15 am.

According to eyewitness accounts, there were about 200 Communists attacking, led by Muhammad Indera, a Malay Communist. Despite the odds, the policemen led by Allahyarham Sgt. Jamil Mohd Shah, refused to surrender, although numerous calls by the communists for them to lay down arms were made. Several officers were killed as the shooting continued and two wives of the defending officers took up arms when they discovered that their husbands fell in battle. [1]

Desperate and alarmed at the defenders’ tenacity, the Communists captured one of the officers’ wives and threatened her at gunpoint to urge the policemen to surrender. The defenders replied that they would never surrender and continued fighting. Another wife of the officers and her daughter were also forced to do the same. Their refusal then resulted in their execution.

In the final hours of the fierce battle, the Communists set fire to the officers’ barracks and station. Two women and their children were burnt to death in the married quarters. At that point only 3 policemen plus a village guard were still alive. They rushed out from the burning station, unable to withstand the heat. They then assaulted the Communists position, killing at least 3 of them.

Only about five hours after the first shot was fired did the communists manage to break their defences and set the place ablaze. They then retreated into the jungle, leaving a trail of destruction and bloodshed.

14 policemen, 4 village guards, 3 auxiliary policemen, wife of Abu Bakar Daud (one of the surviving policemen) and three of their children were killed in the incident. The total number of deaths is 25. Those who survived the bloody encounter are 4 policemen and 9 family members including their wives and children.

Reinforcements from Nearby Villages

During the attack, reinforcement were sent from Kampung Tui as the battle reverberated throughout several of the nearby villages. A band of villagers led by the village chief Ali Mustafa from Kampung Tui was escorted by 13 AP/HG (Auxiliary Police/Home Guard). They were ambushed by the Communists en route about half a kilometre away from the station. The villagers were outgunned by the Communists who were using automatic weapons as opposed to rifles and shotguns held by the village group. Several of the village guards were wounded and killed. Although stopped halfway, their presence relieved some pressure of the Bukit Kepong defenders and forced a general Communist retreat.

Due to the lopsided situation, Ali Mustafa ordered his guards to retreat while the rest were asked to defend the perimeter around Bukit Kepong town. The Communists eventually retreated after setting fire to the village office and robbing a few stores.

At the same time, another village guard group came from Kampung Durian Chondong using a sampan heading towards Bukit Kepong to render aid. On the way, they were also ambushed by the Communists. About half of the 7 villagers in the group survived to continue on to Lenga. They arrived there at 10am and that was when the first news of the attack on Bukit Kepong police station was communicated. [2]


When the village guards entered the village, they were able to observe the carnage resulting from the brutal attack. The village chief took command of the outpost until relieved by a police team from Muar. The battle at Bukit Kepong is considered to be tragic defeat although it strengthened the Government and people’s resolve to fight the Communist insurgency. A small force defending against overwhelming odds gave the war against Communist insurgency a massive boost in terms of morale and honour. Some drew comparisons between the Bukit Kepong incident and the Alamo, where the Bukit Kepong policemen similar to the Texans came under overwhelming odds and fought to the last man.

List of killed in action (KIA)


  1. Sergeant Jamil Mohd Shah (Bukit Kepong police chief)
  2. Corporal Mohd Yassin Haji Wahab
  3. Lance Corporal Jidin Omar
  4. Constable Hassan Osman
  5. Constable Hamzah Ahmad
  6. Constable Jaafar Hassan
  7. Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  8. Marine Constable Ibrahim Adam
  9. Constable Abu Mohd Ali
  10. Constable Abu Kadir Jusoh
  11. Marine Constable Awang Ali
  12. Marine Constable Basiron Adam
  13. Extra Police Constable (EPC) Mohd Top Lazim
  14. EPC Jaafar Arshad

Non-combatants (Auxiliary Police (AP))

  1. Ins. Kudarina Naknok
  2. AP Samad Yatim
  3. AP Mahmood Saat
  4. AP Ali Akop
  5. AP Othman Yahya

Police family members

  1. Fatimah Yaaba - wife of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  2. Hassan Abu Bakar - son of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  3. Saadiah - wife of Constable Abu Mohd Ali
  4. Simah Abu - daughter of Constable Abu Mohd Ali

Auxiliary Police (AP) were killed in action (KIA) outside police station

  1. AP Redzuan Alias
  2. Embong Lazim
  3. Koh Ah Cheng

List of survivors


  1. Constable Othman Yusoff
  2. Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  3. EPC Ahmad Khalid
  4. Constable Haji Yusoff Rono (died on 14 April 2005)
Note: All are deceased

Police family members

  1. Mariam Ibrahim - widow of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  2. Zainun Muhamad - daughter of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  3. Abu Samah Muhammad - son of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  4. Zaleha - daughter of Constable Muhamad Jaafar
  5. Jamilah - daughter of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  6. Hussain - son of Marine Constable Abu Bakar Daud
  7. Fatimah Abdul Manan @ Timah Lawa - widow of Constable Hassan Osman
  8. Pon Khalid - widow of Marine Constable Awang Ali
  9. Fatimah Tuani - widow of Constable Hamzah Ahmad
  10. Edmund Ross Williams Hunt - orang asli who worked as a sherpa at Bukit Kepong

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

End of Study Life

it's been a long time i didn't blog a true story about me, now I'm already finish my studies at UUM, waiting to undergone practical this 1st June, i hope my practicum experience will be great, i will undergone my practicum at PETRONAS Carigali Sdn Bhd (PCSB), PETRONAS Twin Towers, KLCC, actually it was a dream came true, when I'm still in studies my dream is one day i will work with PETRONAS. ok enuff till here.. will continue later

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Selamat Hari Ibu

Orang kata aku lahir dari perut mak..
(bukan org kata...memang betul)

Bila dahaga, yang susukan aku....
Bila lapar, yang suapkan aku....
Bila keseorangan, yang sentiasa di sampingku.. ..
Kata mak, perkataan pertama yang aku sebut....
Bila bangun tidur, aku cari....
Bila nangis, orang pertama yang datang ....
Bila nak bermanja, aku dekati....
Bila nak bergesel, aku duduk sebelah....

Bila sedih, yang boleh memujukku hanya....
Bila nakal, yang memarahi aku....
Bila merajuk, yang memujukku cuma....
Bila melakukan kesalahan, yang paling cepat marah....
Bila takut, yang tenangkan aku....
Bila nak peluk, yang aku suka peluk....
Aku selalu teringatkan ....
Bila sedih, aku mesti talipon....
Bila seronok, orang pertama aku nak beritahu.....
Bila bengang.. aku suka luah pada..
Bila takut, aku selalu panggil...
"mmaaakkkk! "
Bila sakit, orang paling risau adalah.....
Bila nak exam, orang paling sibuk juga....
Bila buat hal, yang marah aku dulu....
Bila ada masalah, yang paling risau....
Yang masih peluk dan cium aku sampai hari ni..
Yang selalu masak makanan kegemaranku....
kalau balik ke kampung, yang selalu bekalkan ulam & lauk pauk.....
Yang selalu simpan dan kemaskan barang-barang aku....
Yang selalu berleter kat aku...
Yang selalu puji aku....
Yang selalu nasihat aku....
Bila nak kahwin..Orang pertama aku tunjuk dan rujuk.....

Aku ada pasangan hidup sendiri....

Bila seronok, aku cari....pasanganku
Bila sedih, aku cari....

Bila berjaya, aku ceritakan pada....pasanganku
Bila gagal, aku ceritakan pada....

Bila bahagia, aku peluk erat....pasanganku
Bila berduka, aku peluk erat....

Bila nak bercuti, aku bawa....pasanganku
Bila sibuk, aku hantar anak ke rumah....

Bila sambut valentine. Aku bagi hadiah pada pasanganku
Bila sambut hari ibu...aku cuma dapat ucapkan “Selamat Hari Ibu”

Selalu.. aku ingat pasanganku

Selalu.. mak ingat kat aku

Bila-bila... aku akan talipon pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak talipon

Selalu...aku belikan hadiah untuk pasanganku
Entah bila... aku nak belikan hadiah untuk

"Kalau kau sudah habis belajar dan berkerja.... bolehkah kau kirim wang untuk mak?
mak bukan nak banyak...
lima puluh ringgit sebulan pun cukuplah".
Berderai air mata jika kita mendengarnya........

Berapa ramai yang sanggup menyuapkan ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup
mencuci muntah ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup
mengantikan lampin ibunya.....
berapa ramai yang sanggup
membersihkan najis ibunya.......
berapa ramai yang sanggup
membuang ulat dan membersihkan luka kudis ibunya....
berapa ramai yang sanggup berhenti kerja untuk menjaga ibunya.....

dan akhir sekali berapa ramai yang sembahyang JENAZAH ibunya......

Seorang anak mendapatkan ibunya yang sedang sibuk menyediakan makan malam di dapur lalu menghulurkan sekeping kertas yang bertulis sesuatu. Si ibu segera mengesatkan tangan di apron menyambut kertas yang dihulurkan oleh si anak lalu membacanya.Kos upah membantu ibu:

1) Tolong pergi kedai : RM4.00
2) Tolong jaga adik : RM4..00
3) Tolong buang sampah : RM1.00
4) Tolong kemas bilik : RM2.00
5) Tolong siram bunga : RM3.00
6) Tolong sapu sampah : RM3.00
Jumlah : RM17.00

Selesai membaca, si ibu tersenyum memandang si anak sambil sesuatu berlegar-legar si mindanya. Si ibu mencapai sebatang pen dan menulis sesuatu di belakang kertas yang sama.

1) Kos mengandungkanmu selama 9 bulan - PERCUMA
Kos berjaga malam kerana menjagamu - PERCUMA
Kos air mata yang menitis keranamu - PERCUMA
Kos kerunsingan kerana bimbangkanmu - PERCUMA
Kos menyediakan makan minum, pakaian, dan keperluanmu -PERCUMA
Jumlah Keseluruhan Nilai Kasihku - PERCUMA

Air mata si anak berlinang setelah membaca apa yang dituliskan oleh siibu. Si anak menatap wajah ibu,memeluknya dan berkata,

"Saya Sayangkan Ibu". Kemudian si anak mengambil pen dan menulis "Telah Dibayar" pada mukasurat yang sama ditulisnya.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


personal view for Radix Fried Chicken (RFC) is

"not taste so good"

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Hargailah isteri anda

Mulianya seorang isteri disisi Allah...
Dan betapa berharganya wanita yang bergelar isteri
ini pada keluarga, suami dan anak-anak
Rugi dan binasalah suami-suami yang tidak menghargai isteri
mereka kerana isteri inilah yang akan membantu mereka di akhirat kelak.
Biarlah buruk mana isteri anda,
sayangilah mereka.......

Beruntungnya seorang wanita yg ada rahim ini ialah dia bekerja
dengan Tuhan... jadi 'kilang ' manusia.
Tiap-tiap bulan dia diberi cuti bergaji penuh...
7 sehingga 15 hari sebulan dia tak wajib sembahyang
tetapi Allah anggap diwaktu itu sembahyang terbaik darinya.
Cuti bersalin juga sehingga 60 hari,
Bila dah bersalin tu, susukanlah anak..jgn takut "kendur" atau
menggelebeh pulak..
Si suami pulak, jgn la berebut dgn anak utk menyusu pulak….
Cuti ini bukan cuti suka hati
tapi cuti yang Allah beri sebab dia bekerja dengan Allah ,
Tapi bila dah habis cuti tu..layan lah suami.."offer" lah pada suami,
Nabi bersabda : berjimak dgn isteri itu pahala..jangan buat deekkk jeee,
Jangan buat alasan itu dan ini pulak….ingat tu si isteri yee!!!
Kata nak pahala lebih…

Orang lelaki tak ada cuti dari sembahyang.. .
sembahyang wajib baginya dari baligh sehingga habis

Satu lagi berita gembira untuk wanita,
Sepanjang dia mengandung
Allah sentiasa mengampunkan dosanya,
Lahir saja bayi seluruh dosanya habis.
Inilah nikmat Tuhan beri kepada wanita,
jadi kenapa perlu takut nak beranak?

Marilah kita pegang kepada tali Allah.
Seandainya wanita itu mati sewaktu bersalin, itu dianggap
mati syahid, Allah izinkan terus masuk Syurga.
Untuk peringatan semua wanita yang bersuami
seluruh kebaikan suaminya, semuanya isteri dapat pahala
tetapi dosa-dosa suami dia tak tanggung.

Diakhirat nanti seorang wanita solehah akan
terperanjat dengan pahala extra yang banyak dia
terima diatas segala kebaikan suaminya yang tak disedari.
Contohnya bila dia redho suaminya pergi berjemaah di masjid
atau ke majlis ilmu, bersedekah.. ganjaran Alah keatasnya jua..

Bila dia lihat suaminya tengah terhegeh-hegeh di titian
Sirat dia tak nak masuk syuga tanpa suaminya,
jadi dia pun memberi pahalanya kepada
suami untuk lepas masuk syurga.
Didunia lagi, kalau suami dalam kesusahan
isteri boleh bantu tambah lagi di akhirat.
Kalau seorang isteri asyik merungut,mulut selalu muncung
terhadap suami dia tak akan dapat pahala extra ini.

Manakala suami pula mempunyai tugas-tugas berat didalam dan
diluar rumah, segala dosa-dosa anak isteri yang tak dididik
dia akan tanggung ditambah lagi dengan dosa-dosa yang lain..
Dinasihatkan kepada semua wanita supaya faham akan syariat
Allah agar tidak derhaka denganNya.

Ses ungguhnya wanita dijadikan daripada rusuk kiri lelaki.
Dia bukan dicipta dari kepala ke kaki,juga bukan dari tapak
kaki. Dia dicipta dari sebelah rusuk kiri lelaki supaya dia hampir
kepada kamu(lelaki) ,lengan lelaki dicipta untuk mempertahankan
wanita,dekat dengan hati lelaki untuk disayangi.

Woman was made from the rib of man,
She was not created from his head to top him,
Nor from his feet to be stepped upon,
She was made from his side to be close to him,
From beneath his arm to be protected by him,
Near his heart to be loved by him.

"Wahai Tuhan...
ku tak layak ke syurgamu ...
namun tak pula aku sanggup ke nerakamu....
kamilah hamba yang mengharap belas darimu ...

"Ya Allah...
jadikanlah kami hamba2 mu yang bertaqwa .
ampunkan dosa2 kami, kedua ibubapa kami,
dosa semua umat2 islam yang masih hidup mahupun yang telah
meninggal dunia"......

Kubur itu gelap, cahayanya ialah Laa Ilaaha IllalLah.
Jika diletakkan langit dan bumi di sebelah dacing, dan kalimah ini
di sebelah yang satu lagi, pasti lebih berat lagi nilai kalimah 'Laa
ilaaha illalLah' ini.
Rasulullah saw. bersabda (mafhumnya): "Wahai manusia! Ucaplah 'Laa
ilaaha illalLah', kamu pasti berjaya!"

Marilah kita ucapkan kalimah ini:
"Laa ilaaha illallah!" x 10

Menghitung Detik Kematian

artikel ini sekadar renungan dan menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan...sama ada benar atau tidak "tanda-tanda" ini tidaklah dapat dikenal pasti...oleh itu janganlah taksub atau percaya 100%..

Tanda-Tanda Saat-Saat Kematian

100 hari Sebelum Kematian:
- Seluruh badan rasa bergegar.

60 hari :
- Pusat rasa bergerak-gerak.

40 hari :
-Daun dengan nama orang yang akan mati di arash akan jatuh dan malaikat maut pun datang kepada orang dengan nama tersebut lalu mendampinginya sehingga saat kematiannya. Kadang-kadang orang yang akan mati itu akan merasa atau nampak kehadiran malaikat maut tersebut dan akan sering kelihatan seperti sedang rungsing.

7 hari :
- Mengidam makanan.

5 hari :
- Anak lidah bergerak-gerak.

3 hari :
- Bahagian tengah di dahi bergerak-gerak.

2 hari :
- Seluruh dahi rasa bergerak-gerak.

1 hari :
- Terasa bahagian ubun bergerak-gerak di antara waktu subuh and asar. Saat akhir :
- Terasa sejuk dari bahagian pusat hingga ke tulang solbi (di bahagian belakang badan). Seelok-eloknya bila sudah merasa tanda yang akhir sekali, mengucap dalam keadaan qiam and jangan lagi bercakap-cakap.


It Was A Long Long Time Ago

Sweet Little Guy of me

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sedih, marah punca sakit jantung

UMUM mengetahui, emosi terbentuk di dalam otak manakala perasaan terbit dari dalam hati, atau sebenarnya organ dalaman iaitu jantung.

Namun begitu, bagaimana pula dengan emosi negatif? Apabila anda terlalu sedih atau marah sehingga 'sakit hati', adakah keadaan emosi tersebut benar-benar menyebabkan kesakitan pada jantung anda?

Bagi mengetahui kesan tersebut, dua kajian dijalankan baru-baru ini bagi menyokong teori bahawa apa yang difikirkan otak benar-benar mampu mencederakan jantung anda.

Kajian pertama terbitan Journal of the American College of Cardiology (JACC) mendapati, wanita yang menghidap simptom kemurungan menghadapi risiko lebih tinggi diserang penyakit jantung. Wanita yang disahkan murung secara klinikal pula dua kali ganda berkemungkinan meninggal dunia akibat jantung terhenti.

Para penyelidik menyimpulkan bahawa kemurungan mempunyai impak psikologi secara terus menerus terhadap jantung kerana ia terpaksa berfungsi lebih kuat apabila berdepan tekanan.

Kajian turut mendapati, wanita murung lebih cenderung merokok, mengalami tekanan darah yang tinggi dan menghidap diabetes.

Ubat anti murung yang digunakan oleh ramai pesakit wanita juga dikaitkan dengan masalah jantung dan kematian secara tiba-tiba terutama di kalangan remaja.

Satu lagi kajian pula mendapati, mood seseorang itu mempengaruhi tekanan ke atas jantung dan bukan sebaliknya.

Kertas kajian yang disediakan oleh penyelidik University College London pula menemui, lelaki yang mudah meradang dan panas baran besar kemungkinan diserang penyakit koronari berbanding mereka yang tidak bersikap demikian.

Kajian pertama menemui golongan yang didorong semangat bekerja, kompetitif dan obses dengan 'deadline', kurang potensi mengalami penyakit jantung.

Dalam kata lain, pekerja yang terlalu bercita-cita tinggi dan 'terlebih' rajin kurang risiko diserang sakit jantung berbanding golongan yang menyimpan dendam, marah dan menentang secara berselindung.

Kajian kedua menemui beberapa teori mengenai emosi marah yang diterjemahkan dalam bentuk serangan jantung fizikal. Ini kerana, golongan panas baran mengalami kesukaran tidur, kurang mengambil ubat, tabiat pemakanan teruk, tidak bersenam, kuat merokok dan lebih gemuk.

Golongan panas baran ini pada mulanya langsung tidak menghadapi risiko, tetapi akhirnya mengalami 19 peratus kemungkinan lebih tinggi diserang penyakit jantung koronari.

Kedua-dua kajian tersebut turut menemui stereotaip jantina iaitu, wanita 'sakit' jantung akibat menanggung kesedihan manakala lelaki 'sakit' jantung dengan kemarahan.

Walaupun begitu, dua kajian bersetuju bahawa lelaki dan wanita mengetahui punca penyakit jantung seperti diet salah, kurang bersenam dan sukar tidur.

Sehubungan itu, adalah penting lelaki atau wanita tidak membiarkan diri tenggelam dalam emosi kerana boleh merosakkan mental dan organ dalaman yang paling penting iaitu jantung.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Ku ditinggal senja

Malam menghampiri

Sendiri ku dalam menanti

Segera oh angin sampaikan rinduku

Terlupakah kau pada janjimu

Ketika bersama rindu bergelora

Perpisahan menikam jiwa

Kau pandai mengusik kau pandai mengoda

Kini diriku yang kau tinggalkan begitu saja

Apakah ertinya ucapan manismu

Kau merinduiku

Mungkin hanya aku

Yang membiarkanmu menipu diriku

Biar luka menyiksa jiwa

Biar kasih tak kunjung tiba

Kerna pada hakikatnya diriku kau persenda

Aku hanya insan biasa

Lemah pada rayuan manja

Terlena dibuai mesra

Pada cinta yang hampa...

Di malam yang sunyi

Sepi menyendiri

Ku hulur dan menyusun jari

Ku pohon kau ubatikanlah rinduku

Bayang kasih dalam mimpiku

Menikam kalbu...

Biar kasih menyiksa jiwa

Biar ku yang mengemis cinta

Kerna sejak dari mula

Diriku yang tergoda

Aku hanya insan biasa

Lemah pada rayuan manja

Terlena dibuai mesra

Pada cinta yang hampa...

Thursday, April 2, 2009

My "Kampung"

KEMILAU berlian melingkari emas putih kelihatan seakan-akan permata bercahaya. Diperindah dengan ikatan ayam patah kepak, Aigrreete yang pernah dipakai di tengkolok Sultan Perak, akan menangkap pandangan pengunjung di Galeri Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah, Kuala Kangsar, Perak.

Aigerreete Diraja ini direka khas Almarhum Sultan Idris Shah I pada 1911 dikatakan bernilai 200,000 pound sterling. Apabila baginda mangkat, ia dijadikan antara alat kebesaran diraja Perak.

Menurut Pengurus Galeri, Nor Janati Ibrahim, Aigrreete yang pernah dipakai moyang kepada Sultan Azlan Shah itu menyimpan kisah menarik apabila pernah dibawa lari ke Singapura berikutan kemaraan tentera Jepun di Tanah Melayu, pada Disember 1941.

"Pegawai daerah ketika itu terpaksa berbuat demikian bagi melindungi warisan diraja yang amat bernilai ini. Ia dikembalikan semula kepada Almarhum Sultan Abdul Aziz pada zaman pentadbiran British," katanya.

Anda yang mengunjungi Galeri Sultan Azlan Shah yang tersergam indah di Bukit Chandan dapat menyaksikan pelbagai alat kebesaran diraja

Galeri dibuka pada 15 April 2003 bukan saja berfungsi sebagai sumber rujukan, malah membolehkan pengunjung mengenali lebih mendalam perjalanan hidup seorang raja.

Pengunjung dapat melihat pakaian yang pernah disarungkan keluarga diraja Perak termasuk ketika pernikahan Raja Muda Perak, Raja Dr Nazrin Shah dan Raja Puan Besar Perak, Tuanku Zara Salim.

Nor Janati berkata, bahan pameran diatur mengikut kronologi peristiwa bagi memudahkan pengunjung memahami peralihan masa dari zaman anak raja sehingga bergelar pemerintah Perak pada masa kini.

"Sebagai contoh, setiap set pinggan mangkuk yang pernah digunakan baginda turut menyimpan kisah tersirat di sebaliknya. Set dengan cop abjad RAS bermakna Raja Azlan Shah, SAS ketika menaiki takhta Sultan Perak dan logo khas sepanjang baginda bergelar Yang di-Pertuan Agong," katanya.

Bangunan asal galeri ini adalah bekas Istana Ulu, yang menjadi tempat bersemayam moyang Sultan Azlan Shah iaitu Almarhum Sultan Idris I.


Sejak abad ke-15, Bukit Chandan menjadi tempat bersemayam pemerintah Perak. Selain Galeri Sultan Azlan Shah yang menjadi bekas Istana Ulu, pengunjung boleh singgah melawat Istana Iskandariah dan Istana Kenangan.

Istana Kenangan, bangunan dengan warna kuning diraja ini terkenal kerana pembinaannya tidak menggunakan paku walaupun sebatang. Kini dijadikan sebagai Muzium Diraja Perak.

Istana Iskandariah pula menjadi tempat bersemayam Sultan Azlan Shah, dibina pada 1926 ketika pemerintahan Sultan Iskandar Shah, dan hanya siap pada 1933. Kini, istana ini menjadi lokasi upacara penting negeri termasuk pertabalan dan perkahwinan diraja.

Bangunan ini turut menyimpan satu lagi khazanah negara iaitu keris Taming Sari yang dikatakan pernah menjadi milik Hang Tuah.

Satu lagi tarikan pelancongan di Bukit Chandan ialah Masjid Ubudiah yang dianggap antara masjid terindah di Malaysia. Menjadi simbol kebanggaan dan kesucian agama Islam di Perak, pembinaannya diilhamkan oleh Sultan Perak ke-28, Sultan Idris Shah I pada 1910.

Bagaimanapun, ia hanya siap dibina pada akhir 1919, selepas dua kali dilengahkan oleh peristiwa dua gajah bertelagah menyebabkan marmar import dari Itali rosak dan selepas melalui pendudukan Jepun di Tanah Melayu ketika Perang Dunia II.

Masjid ini direka bentuk Arthur Benison Hubback, arkitek kerajaan yang turut bertanggungjawab mereka stesen kereta api Ipoh dan Kuala Lumpur. Justeru, seni bina bangunan ini memiliki gaya Moor yang kuat dapat dilihat dengan kubah warna emasnya.


Tidak sah ke Kuala Kangsar jika tidak membawa pulang labu sayong. Bekas menyimpan air yang dihasilkan daripada tanah liat ini dibentuk dan diukir dengan teliti. Motif ukirannya banyak menjurus kepada unsur tradisional seperti bunga tanjung, padi, senduduk, lawang, cengkih dan pucuk rebung.

Jika tidak, anda boleh beli di bazar tepi Sungai Perak, yang menjual pelbagai barang kraftangan tempatan pada harga berpatutan, termasuk bubu hiasan, bakul rotan, tikar mengkuang, tudung saji rotan atau nipah, karangan laut dan barangan besi.

Singgah sebentar di Medan Cendol dan Laksa bersebelahan bazar kraf dan Laman Budaya untuk menjamu selera atau sekadar menghilangkan dahaga. Sebagai panduan, ia terletak berhampiran dengan replika labu sayong gergasi yang menjadi mercu tanda Kuala Kangsar.


>Pokok getah tertua di Semenanjung Malaysia ditanam di bandar ini pada 1900 oleh Residen British di Perak ketika itu, Sir Hugh Low yang membawa masuk benih getah ke Kuala Kangsar untuk membuka ladang getah.

>Kuala Kangsar mendapat nama sempena 99 kuala yang ada di Sungai Perak yang mana penduduk tempatan menyebut 'Kuala Kurang Sa' iaitu kurang satu untuk ke seratus dan kemudian bunyinya disebut Kuala Kangsar.

>Kolej Melayu Kuala Kangsar atau lebih dikenali dengan nama Malay College Kuala Kangsar (MCKK) yang dibina pada 1905 menjadi tempat melatih golongan elit Melayu. Antara bekas penuntut termasuk Sultan Pahang, Sultan Ahmad Shah; Sultan Perak, Sultan Azlan Shah dan dan Perdana Menteri Kedua, Tun Abdul Razak.

>Safari Sungai Perak akan membawa pengunjung menyusuri sepanjang Sungai Perak selam dua jam 25 minit serta melihat kehidupan semula jadi penduduk tempatan yang tinggal di sekitar kampung di pesisiran sungai dan pelbagai habitat sungai terutama tuntong selain haiwan liar seperti monyet yang berkeliaran mencari makanan.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Song For Today ----- Lovebug

We kissed for the first time yesterday

Finally found the missing part of me

Felt so close but you were far away

Left me without anything to say

Now I'm speechless, over the edge, I'm just

breathless, I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again

hopeless, head over heels in the moment,

I never thought that I'd get bit by, this love bug again

Couldn't get your smile out of my mind

[couldn't get you out of my mind]

Thinking about your eyes all the time

you're beautiful but you don't even try

(don't even, don't even try)

This thing is just so hard to find

Now I'm speechless, over the edge I'm just,

breathless, I never thought that I'd catch this love bug again

hopeless, head over heels in the moment,

I never thought that I'd get bit by, this love bug again

Kissed her for the first time yesterday

Finally found the missing part of me

Felt so close but you were far away

Left me without anything to say

Now I'm...

Now I'm speechless, over the edge of this,

breathless, i never thought that I'd catch this love bug again

hopeless, head over heels in the moment,

i never thought that I'd get bit by this love bug again


Love Bug again


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Selamat Ulang Tahun Sayang

Like this song so much

Yang tulus ikhlas

Ingin sekali sekala dirinya dibalas

Walau hanya dengan dakapan di angin lalu

Yang selalu memberi

Ingin sekali sekala jadi penerima

Cukup dengan salam dan manis doa

Aku ingin kau merasakan hebatnya cinta

Dan leburkan saja serpihan calar derita

Selamat ulang tahun sayang

Kini kau bersayap, pergilah terbang

Rentaslah langit cita cita mu

Harap nanti kita 'kan bertemu

Selamat ulang tahun sayang

Janganlah engkau tak terbang pulang

Ku nanti penuh kerinduan

Selamat tinggal, selamat jalan

Aku hanya inginkan engkau setia

Kerana setia yang mencipta bahagiamu

Boring Day

Today 31st March 2009 ( 4th Rabiulakhir 1430H) at 1603, it was damn boring day, wake up late from my bed around 1330 after a long day yesterday after take a nap at 0530, it was a really long rest for me (it not so long rest) my head feel dizzy (need sleep time like baby for almost 16 hoours) and fill up with a lot of question, what i want to do for the rest of my day in UUM, been counting for my final exam that only will start on 23th April 2009, will i has to fill up with study, nope..... for sure I am ready to bang my head to the wall if i can study so early for my final exam (hahaha), thinking fly back to KL and be there for a week and fill up my day with entertainment activities such as going to Pavilion and be in queue for movie ticket and watch new latest movies in cinema, why and why i had a boring day in my life, lucky i in love with my best frenz.... no la... lucky i have broadband in my life so i will continue blogging to make me continue my life, are blogging is like my heart? nope really into it... what i want to do now.... boring...boring...

5 Steps to getting what you want from your marriage

Many people have serious trouble knowing what they want from their spouse, feeling comfortable communicating it, and stating it clearly. Many people have difficulty solving problems because they do not know what they want, or, if they do know, cannot express it effectively to their partner.

We often grow up suppressing our desires - sometimes to the extent of not even being aware of them. This can be a problem in a marriage, eventually leading to divorce.

Most of us learn in early childhood that:

* Wanting is selfish and that we should be polite and let others wants come first ("Be polite, let Susie have the toy").

* It isn't okay to want ("Don't even ask me for a cookie just before dinner").

* We want too much ("of course you can't have a new toy, do you think I'm made of money?").

* If we get what we want, someone else will be deprived. These internalized criticisms and restrictions make us anxious about getting what we want and even convinced that we won't. In addition to all these other restrictions on wanting, you may have the idea that the consequences of wanting are bad (no one will like you), and so it is too scary to know what you want. Because knowing what you want sometimes means you risk being disappointed and many people have an exaggerated idea of how bad disappointment feels (if I don't get what I want I'll be miserable), they avoid wanting at all.

Steps to getting what you want

If you have difficulty in knowing what you want and communicating it, try these steps:

1. Get clear about what you want

You can't express what you want effectively if you're not clear what it is, so before approaching your partner, your boss or your child with a request, think about it and make sure you can write it down in one clear sentence.

2. Create a good atmosphere

If asking for what you want is difficult for you, don't do it without preparation. Make sure you and the person you're asking both have time, and invite the other person to sit down and talk with you.

3. Simply state what you want

Don't preface your statement with a lot of disclaimers – they make the other person feel accused of something. Just ask, politely, for what you want.

4. Be prepared to accept a "no"

Remember, if you can't accept a no answer, then you're making a demand, not a request, so have a backup solution. Find a way to get what you want for yourself, even if the other person isn't cooperating. For example, if you don't get that raise you deserve, maybe it's time to begin a job search.

5. Listen politely to the other person's answer

Whether the other person says yes, no, or something in between, listen carefully to what he or she says. Don't get all caught up in a lot of worry and noise inside your head - pay attention. You need to know what the answer is.

If you follow these steps, you'll find you're successful a good percentage of the time, and when you aren't you have a backup plan - so you really can't lose.

Tina Tessina, PhD, has been a licensed California psychotherapist for more than 30 years. She's authored more than 11 books, including Money, Sex and Kids.

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